Wheelchair access:

Our building is equipped with a wheelchair lift to reach the mezzanine floor, and an elevator from the mezzanine floor to our offices. If you require the use of the wheelchair lift, please inform us ahead of your appointment so that we can be ready to come down and help you out!

Unfortunately, the washrooms on our floor are difficult for folks in wheelchairs to navigate. The washroom labelled as “men’s” does have an expanded stall, but both washrooms’ sinks are closed off, making it hard for someone in a wheelchair to roll their chair under and comfortably use the sink. We are so sorry that our washrooms are not more accessible in this way.

Washrooms and gender:

The washrooms of our building have been gendered by the building management, but we encourage you to use whichever washroom is comfortable for you!

Sensory accommodations:

We’re happy to offer a scent-free environment upon request. We also have adjustable soft lighting and plenty of sensory soothing items in each of our offices. Simply let us know which of these accommodations will make your time at our office more comfortable.