Kimberlee Walker, MSW, RSW, Therapist

Kimberlee Walker, MSW, Registered Social Worker, Psychotherapist

Therapist at a Glance:

Therapies Practiced: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), Motivational Interviewing

Populations Served: Adults 18+

Services Offered:
Individual Therapy (50 minutes): $150

Treatment Specialties: Anxiety, Depression, Anger Management, Domestic Violence, Stress, Healthy Relationships/Relationship Issues, Complex Mental Health, Working with Vulnerable and Marginalized Populations, Burnout & Compassion Fatigue, Spiritual Deconstruction/Growth, Insomnia 

Insurance Information: Master of Social Work (MSW), Registered Social Worker (RSW) #826837

Notice for Current Clients: Kimberlee is gradually returning from parental leave. She is currently accepting bookings from existing clients. Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you.

Kimberlee’s Bio:

Kimberlee is a registered social worker in good standing with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers. She holds a Masters degree in Social Work (Laurier) as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Peace and Conflict studies with a Drama minor (University of Waterloo).

Kimberlee is a warm, compassionate counsellor who is passionate about “holding space” for people navigating life’s challenges. She has experience supporting individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, interpersonal conflict, domestic violence, trauma, and complex mental health. Her training in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, as well as her interest in other modalities such as CBT and ACT inform her approach. As a creative-type herself, Kimberlee also believes in the therapeutic benefits of an arts-based approach. When it suits her client’s interest and goals, Kimberlee is happy to explore how creative expression (of any kind) might be part of the healing process, borrowing techniques from drama, music, and art therapy. Kimberlee recently co-authored an academic paper about the therapeutic benefits of the theatre group that she has facilitated at the local women’s prison over the past several years.

Kimberlee is passionate about social justice and equity. Before working as a clinical counsellor, she spent 5 years providing social work supports to individuals struggling on the margins of society. Having worked in the federal correctional system as well as with individuals experiencing homelessness, Kimberlee is no stranger to supporting individuals through overwhelming emotions during their darkest times of life. Kimberlee’s calm, non-judgemental presence supports individuals to access a sense of inner stability, even when life feels out-of-control.

Kimberlee is thankful to be alive in this wild, precious world! In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, training on the aerial hoop, and creating socially conscious theatre productions with Theatre of the Beat. 

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